
    A Sunday in the Country 2015 Poland

    Another edition of the EFA project A SUNDAY IN THE COUNTRY in Byków, near Wrocław, this version for young film critics and journalists, was organized as a part of the T-Mobile New Horizons International Film Festival for the 4th time on the last days of July 2015 (30 July – 2 August).

    The group spent the days cooking together, networking, watching movies and talking about them and cinema and cinephilia in general in a charming house by the woods.

    photo of people around paddling pool
    Wroclaw 2015

    On Friday the participants watched the Polish-Swedish co-production THE HERE AFTER and the film H. (Argentina, USA). The director-producer duos of both films, Magnus von Horn and Mariusz Włodarski and subsequently Rania Attieh and Daniel Garcia, were present for lunch and dinner and engaged in a discussion about the role of the critic in a filmmaker’s career and the expectations or demands the professions have towards each other. On Saturday the participants watched RUINED HEART by Khavn de la Cruz, a juror of this year’s New Horizons competition, who joined for lunch and discussion.

    On Saturday evening Kaleem Aftab, this SUNDAY’s expert and established British critic and author introduced THE INSIDE MAN by Spike Lee. The conversations continued long into the night.

    The group was composed of eight people from eight different European countries:

    Anka Herbut (Poland)
    Andrey Arnold (Austria)
    Astrid Jansen (Belgium)
    Katerina Lambrinova (Bulgaria)
    Pete Wu (the Netherlands)
    Tara Karajica (Serbia)
    Thomas Sejersen (Denmark)

    As one of them commented: “It is not only a weekend of thought provoking discussion of the past, present, and future of film criticism. First and foremost, it provides a unique encounter of like-minded and future friends from all over Europe.”

    The project was organized by the European Film Academy and New Horizons Association with the support of the local cultural institutes and Krzysztof Mętrak Award.