A Sunday in the Country 2017 Poland
A Sunday in the Country 2017 Poland
After breakfast on Monday, the group watched João’s THE ORNITHOLOGIST while the director went on a bird-watching walk around the lake before joining for another discussion circle about nature, inspiration and criticism. The final film was Michel Lipkes’s sinister black&white drama STRANGE BUT TRUE from Mexico, followed by a lively conversation about political and social reality and the role art can play.
The group was composed of ten people from eight different countries: Andra Petrescu (Romania), Edoardo Becattini (Italy), Franziska Bechtold (Austria), Hugo Emmerzael (the Netherlands), Karl Leontin Beger (Germany), Patrycja Mucha (Poland), Piotr Czerkawski (Poland), Samina Jakobsen (Denmark), Sebastian Smolinski (Poland) and Tiago J. Silva (Portugal).
As a former participant said: “It is not only a weekend of thought provoking discussion of the past, present, and future of film criticism. First and foremost, it provides a unique encounter of like-minded and future friends from all over Europe.”
The project was organized by the European Film Academy and New Horizons Association with the support of the Polish Film Institute, the local cultural institutes and the Krzysztof Mętrak competition for young film critics.