DENMARK: Grand Teatret, Copenhagen
DENMARK: Grand Teatret, Copenhagen

Grand Teatret in Copenhagen is the main arthouse cinema in Denmark boasting six screens and almost 800 seats in total. The company also runs the streaming platform Grand Hjemmebio (Grand Home Cinema) and the film distribution company Camera Film. Lately the cinema has also acquired the neighboring one screen-cinema Gloria Biograf. The profile for all activities is arthouse with an emphasis on European cinema.
As the only Nordic cinema Grand Teatret was named one of the world’s most beautiful cinemas by the British publication Time Out. When the same publication reached out to some of the most exciting filmmakers in the world and asked them to choose the coolest cinemas in the world, Ruben Östlund picked Grand Teatret in Copenhagen and Abaton Kino in Hamburg (‘because of the people who run them and the vibe they have managed to create’).
Grand Teatret is located in Mikkel Bryggers Gade, a small side street off Strøget, the main shopping street in Copenhagen. It was built between 1907 and 1910 with inspiration from art nouveau – designed by architect Anton Rosen. The cinema opened on Boxing Day in 1913 (co-incidentally the name of the first director of the cinema was Walter Christmas). Currently Grand Teatret is run and programmed by Managing Director Kim Foss and Director of Film and Marketing Mette Søgaard.