GERMANY: Achteinhalb, Saarbrücken
GERMANY: Achteinhalb, Saarbrücken

Kino Achteinhalb is an independent non-commercial cinema in Saarbrücken, Germany, named after Federico Fellini’s “Otto e mezzo”. Founded in the early 80s, it has acquired its permanent home and name after the move into Nauwieser Neunzehn work and culture centre in 1990. The cinema works with numerous educational, social and art institutions across the region and brings a wide range of screenings and screening events to the public. These include programmes for children, seniors, people interested in social activism as well as recent festival releases and film historical programmes – among others. Many of the screenings are accompanied by introductions, or followed by discussions, including those with filmmakers.
Kino Achteinhalb has been awarded with the award Kinopreis des Kinematheksverbundes over 15 times, in 2008 it was awarded with the prize of the DEFA Foundation.