TURKEY: Kült Kavaklıdere, Ankara
TURKEY: Kült Kavaklıdere, Ankara

Kült Kavaklıdere is revitalizing a cultural landmark by re-imagining the Kavaklıdere Cinema, which has been closed since 2007. With a deep connection to Ankara’s cultural history, Kült Kavaklıdere aims to transform this iconic space into a vibrant, innovative arts and culture centre. The vision for the renewed Kavaklıdere is to create a dynamic meeting point for interpersonal and interdisciplinary dialogue.
Since June 2023, Kült Kavaklıdere has been hosting various events, including cinema screenings, theatre performances, stand-up shows, concerts, exhibitions, talks, and workshops. These programs, supported by academia, civil society, and individual participation, will regularly enrich the city’s cultural scene, extending to venues across Ankara. Kült Kavaklıdere seeks to strengthen the city’s cultural fabric and foster community engagement through these efforts.