
    Membership Criteria (36+)

    • Only European filmmakers or film professionals who fulfil the membership criteria are invited. Film professionals interested in becoming a member can reach out to the Academy team.
    • New members are required to choose the category in which they would like to be listed. The available sections are: - Actor / Actress - Casting Director - Cinematographer - Composer - Costume Designer - Critic / Journalist - Director - Distributor/Exhibitor - Editor - Festival - Hair & Make-Up Artist - International Sales Agent - Producer - Production Designer - Screenwriter - Sound Designer - Talent Agent - Visual Effects Supervisor - Institutional (film schools, funding institutions, etc.)
    • Applicants working in the creative fields of the industry, as well as producers, must have worked on at least 3 full-length (70+ minutes) cinema productions (fiction feature, documentary, animation) that have been released in cinemas or at festivals and must have received noteworthy credits for their work on these films (upload filmography via application form above).
    • Nominees and European Film Awards winners are eligible to join the European Film Academy.
    • Nominees and winners of European national film awards are eligible to become members in the above-mentioned categories.
    • Applicants have to be European or have worked continuously in Europe for at least five years or have another strong connection to European cinema.
    • The European Film Academy decides on applicants from other areas of the film industry on an individual basis.
    • The Academy may require recommendations or additional information in support of the candidacy.
    • Film professionals reaching out after the official deadline for annual new membership can be considered and confirmed as members outside the annual membership  announcement. However, their names will be announced publicly at the following year’s announcement only.